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Prof. Dr. Andreas Fügener

Akademischer Direktor Bachelor Management, Economics & Social Sciences

Supply Chain Area Sprecher



Forschungs- und Interessengebiete

  • Supply Chain Management
  • Health Care Operations
  • Behavioral Project Management

Ausgewählte Publikationen

  • A. Fügener, J. Grahl, W. Ketter, and A. Gupta (2022): Cognitive challenges in human-AI collaboration: Investigating the path towards productive delegation, Information Systems Research.
  • C. Lehmann, C. Haubitz, A. Fügener, and U. Thonemann, U. (2022). The Risk of Algorithm Transparency: How Algorithm Complexity Drives the Effects on Use of Advice, Production and Operations Management.
  • A. Fügener, J. Grahl, W. Ketter, and A. Gupta (2021): Will Humans-in-the-Loop Become Borgs? Merits and Pitfalls of Working with AI, Management Information Systems Quarterly.

Weitere Publikationen finden Sie hier.


Master Level

  • SCM Projects

Bachelor Level

  • Einführung in die BWL (Studium Integrale)


Seit 2019

Professor für Digital Supply Chain Management
Area Supply Chain Management, WiSo-Fakultät, Universität zu Köln

Seit 2016

Area Supply Chain Management, WiSo-Fakultät, Universität zu Köln


Post Doc (Akademischer Rat auf Zeit)
Chair of Health Care Operations/Health Information Management, University of Augsburg


PhD in Operations Management,
Technische Universität München


Research Assistant
Chair of Operations Management, Technische Universität München


The Boston Consulting Group, Munich
(On leave 10/2009-09/2012)


M.Sc. in Mathematik - Methoden und Modelle
Fernuniversität Hagen


Diploma in Business Administration (MSc. equivalent)
Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt
Various Internships, Roche Diagnostics, Hypovereinsbank, JP Morgan Chase, The Boston Consulting Group