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Welcome to the Supply Chain Management Area

It is the mission of the Area of the Supply Chain Management to be one of the leading academic institutions in the area of Supply Chain Management, Production-, Service- and Logistics-Management, based on the impact on the development of new theories and concepts, and the transfer of new scientific knowledge into practice and quality of teaching.

With seven professors, one academic director, two junior-professors and thirteen additional scientists, we cover the entire spectrum of supply chain management. Students are enabled to compile their own study programmes from a wide-ranging offer of lectures and courses according to their personal preferences. Our teaching maxims are scientific backing, practice orientation and international alignment.


Meet and Greet Supply Chain Management 10.04.2025

Are you ready for a networking experience that will boost your supply chain career? Click here for more information.

Research Assistant (PhD Candidate) Position in the Supply Chain Area

The Supply Chain Area is advertising for a Research Assistant (PhD Candidate) position. For more information click here.

New: SCM Area Newsletter

Get information about job vacancies from our industry partners/in the SCM Area as well as news that could be of interest…

Exam inspections

Exam inspections from summer term 2022 will be listed here