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AD Dr. Johannes Antweiler

Areas of responsibility

Area SCM

  • Managing Director
  • Research transfer
  • Course guidance
  • Research
  • Teaching
  • Person of contact for theses


Research Interests

Areas of Research

  • Supply Chain Design
  • Supply Chain Optimization
  • Supply Network Planning
  • Lotsizing
  • Resource Planning
  • Scheduling
  • Inventory Management
  • Demand Planning
  • Logistics
  • Efficiency of new Technologies

Selected publications

  • Antweiler, J., Banike, M. und Meng, A., Rüstzeitoptimierte Auftragsreihenfolgen für Walzstraßen. In: Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb, 98 Jg. (2003), Heft 3, S. 112-114.
  • Antweiler, J., Banike, M. und Werth, L., Rüstzeitoptimierung bei Ziehmaschinen. In: Draht 52. Jg. (2002), Heft 5, S. 22-24.
  • Antweiler, J., Wirtschaftlichkeitsanalyse von Informations- und Kommunikationssystemen auf der Basis von Wirtschaftlichkeitsprofilen. In: Information Management, 10. Jg. (1995), Heft 4, S. 56-64.
  • Antweiler, J., Wirtschaftlichkeitsanalyse personalwirtschaftlicher Software auf der Basis von Wirtschaftlich­keitsprofilen. In: Computergestützte Personalplanung, 3. Jg. (1995), Heft 4, S. 195 - 201.
  • Antweiler, J., Wirtschaftlichkeitsanalyse von Informations- und Kommunikationssystemen – Wirtschaftlich­keitsprofile als Entscheidungsgrundlage. Köln (Datakontext) 1995.
  • Kern, W. und Antweiler, J., Gestaltungsaspekte aus informations- und kommunikationstechnischer Sicht. In: Hanssen, Rolf A./Kern, Werner: Integrationsmanagement für neue Produkte. ZfbF-Sonderheft 30/92. Düsseldorf, Frankfurt a.M. (Verlagsgruppe Handelsblatt), 1992, S. 195-202.

Teaching (in german)

Master Level

  • SM Supply Chain Planning: Production Management
  • Master Thesis

Bachelor Level

  • SM Supply Chain Management I: Supply Chain Planning
  • SM Supply Chain Management II: Production Management


Since 2023

Ombudsman for student and academic Assistants (SHK/WHB/WHK)
Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences - University of Cologne

Since 2022

Program Director
B.Sc. BWL (Betriebswirtschaftslehre)
Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences - University of Cologne

Since 2017

Ombudsman for Ph.D. Students and Post-Docs
Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences - University of Cologne

Since 2015

Program Director
M.Sc. Business Administration
Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences - University of Cologne

Since 2014

Academic Director
Department of Supply Chain Management and Production - Area Supply Chain Management
Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences - University of Cologne

Since 2013

Managing Director
Area Supply Chain Management
Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences - University of Cologne

2013 - 2015

Academic Program Director
B.Sc. Betriebswirtschaftslehre
Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences - University of Cologne

Since 2012

BWL Library - Director, previously member of the Library Committee
Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences - University of Cologne

Since 2010

Ph.D. Committee
Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences - University of Cologne

Since 2010

Examionation Board M.Sc. Information Systems
Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences - University of Cologne

Since 2008

Master Admission Board
Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences - University of Cologne

2003 - 2014

Senior Lecturer/Researcher (Akademischer Oberrat)
Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences - University of Cologne

2003 - 2019

Committee for International Relations
Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences - University of Cologne

2000 - 2003

Lectorer/Researcher (Akademischer Rat)
Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences - University of Cologne

Since 1999

Study Advisory Board
Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences - University of Cologne

Since 1999

Managing Director
POM Prof. Tempelmeier GmbH, Leverkusen & Leichlingen

1997 - 2020

Managing Director
Department of Supply Chain Management and Production
Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences - University of Cologne

Since 1997

Managing Director
WiSo Credit Transfer Center
Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences - University of Cologne

1995 - 2000

Lecturer/Researcher (wissenschaftlicher Assistent)
Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences - University of Cologne


Dr. rer. pol.
Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences - University of Cologne

1989 - 1995

Scintific Assistant
Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences - University of Cologne

1989 - 1994

Ph.D. Student (Business Administration)
Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences - University of Cologne


Assistant (Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft)
Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences - University of Cologne


Dipl.-Kfm. (Master equivalent)
Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences - University of Cologne

1986 - 1989

Student Assistant
Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences - University of Cologne

1983 - 1989

Diploma in Business Administration (M.Sc. equivalente
Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences - University of Cologne

Academic CV



Werner-Kern-Verein zur Förderung der produktionswirtschaftlichen Forschung (WKV) - Board Member

Gesellschaft für Operations Research (GOR)

Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI)